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I am taking pictures everywhere it's possible as I love it and its my passion. I would like to share these moments with everyone, who likes to get lost in Time sometimes, too. Please if you have any advice for me, I'll appreciate any comments, share if you like.







Soňa Bicanová

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Silent Background Photography

Please, if there is a photo you would like me to send to you in the maximum possible quality which I have, please contact me with the name of the photo and purpose for what you would like to use it for. Thank you for your interest. S.B.

Autorská práva a prohlášení: Nositelem autorských práv je autorka fotografií Soňa Bicanová.Všechna práva vyhrazena. Fotografie podléhají autorskému zákonu 121/2000Sb. Další použití je možné pouze se souhlasem autorky. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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